Civil1 has extensive experience in remediation of contaminated soils. Contaminated sites pose critical environmental challenges. Delicate ecological problems such as – service stations, asbestos contaminated sites or acid sulphate soil are a good candidate for site remediation. Regardless of severity of contamination of site we have the experience, capacity and resources to solve it. Implementation of remediation works involve the following steps:
- Background information
- Site location, zoning and history
- Proposed development
- Local geology, hydrogeology, surface waters
- Previous environmental investigations
- Groundwater monitoring and/or findings
- DA conditions
- Remediation option review based on
- Available remediation/management technologies
- Excavation and off-site disposal
- Treatment
- Remediation goals and program
- Regulatory requirements
- Validation plan
We strive to achieve best remedial solutions based on quality, budget and programme. Below is a list of materials that are recyclable and non-recyclable
- Concrete/brick
- Soils
- Sand
- Quarry Products
- ENM Materials
- General solid waste
- Acid Sulphate Soils
- Restricted Waste
- Asbestos Soils